When it is time to move, you can find lots of items that you forgot you had. It’s not unusual for lost Christmas presents, collectibles, and similar things to make an appearance when packing.

You’ll also have the family heirlooms, precious items, and all of the home essentials to manage when it is time to relocate.

Is it wise to put some of the extra items into storage? Should you consider selling some things so that it isn’t as hard (or expensive!) to move?

Here are some ideas to think about when comparing selling vs. storage for your belongings.

When Should I Think About Storage?


Storage makes sense when your belongings have the following attributes and you don’t have room in your new home or on the moving truck.

  • Sentimental Value. If furniture, apparel, rugs, or other home goods have meaning to you or your family, it is often better to keep the items. Although the monetary value might not be high, the memories associated with these belongings are priceless. Affordable storage solutions can let you maintain these items under your possession until your new home is ready for them.
  • Future Benefits. You might not be moving to your dream home today, but that option might be short. If you anticipate buying or renting a larger home within the next 12 months, it makes sense to store the belongings you need for that new place. Before you take this step, you’ll want to compare the storage costs vs. the price of buying something new to ensure you’re getting the best deal.
  • More Space. Storage lets you declutter. If you have tons of collectibles, knick-knacks, and similar belongings, you can keep these important items safe without worrying about how or where to display them. This option is particularly beneficial for those who are holding items for their future value.

When you pack your items carefully, they’ll maintain their value while being held in a protective setting.

When Should I Think About Selling?


It makes sense to sell the items that you’re not using. If you haven’t worn clothing in two years, will that change in the six months after you move?

If you kept winter coats in Florida and are now moving to New York, it might make sense to keep that apparel. When you have shirts that haven’t been worn, it’s probably better to sell instead of moving them.

The goal of selling should be to declutter your home as much as possible. Although the money you gain from these transactions is nice, what you save by not needing to pack as much stuff is even better.

If you have items with great sentimental importance, you should keep them. The only exceptions to that rule might be newspapers, magazines, and other things that most people would consider recyclable.

When you don’t have an attachment to an item, the next consideration is how it gets used. If you aren’t going to need something you’ll be living on, it should be sold now.

The final step is to look at value. If something isn’t needed and doesn’t have much value, it might be better to donate the goods to a local charity. If that isn’t an option, the trash is probably your best choice.

How to Sell My Stuff Quickly

  • Selling items to friends can let you know that the things will get taken care of appropriately, which often settles the mind.
  • Some family members might want to have the items you don’t want to move.
  • Websites like eBay can help you get rid of items quickly.
  • You can advertise your belongings on classified sites or sections.
  • When COVID-19 restrictions ease, a garage, yard, or community sale could be the right option.

How Much Is It to Store My Belongings?


The price you’ll pay for professional storage solutions depends on the provider, the property location, its security profile, temperature controls, and the unit size you prefer.

When you need a 5×5-foot unit in Manhattan to keep your items safe, you might pay $300 per month or more for that area. If you need the same space in Albany, the 25 square feet you get with that standard unit might be as low as $59 per month.

If you need a controlled environment for your belongings, the cost is typically higher than what you’ll pay for self-storage at a come-and-go facility.

The real question to answer in the storage vs. selling debate is this one: do you want to spend or make money off the items you’re considering? If you think you might regret selling an item, you should hold onto it by keeping it in a safe storage facility.

If not, you can enjoy having some extra cash around to pay for your moving expenses!

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By Published On: March 10, 2021Categories: Furniture Movers, Storage