Moving to a new home can be an exciting experience and deliver massive stress. The logistics that require your attention can seem demanding and overwhelming. However, packing tends to be where the most significant problems occur.

The issue with this part of the movie involves the time and energy it takes to pack and prepare each item. Most people don’t realize how much stuff they have until it is time to get things into boxes or containers. That’s why it helps to start packing 30 to 60 days in advance instead of waiting until the last minute.

Hiring professional movers to haul your items can add significant time to your day trying to pack everything while your stuff is also getting carried to the truck.

Here are some other common packing mistakes that our teams see when helping people move.

Zero Sorting Effort


Tossing random items into boxes and containers might seem like a fast way to pack, but it will make unpacking a significant problem. It can also cause your belongings to receive unnecessary damage during transport.

The sorting process starts before putting anything into a box. It doesn’t make sense to move damaged or outdated things, trash, clothes you haven’t worn in years, or furniture that doesn’t fit through the doors or halls of your new home.

You can sell or donate items in good condition. Everything else can be discarded.

Packing Without an Inventory

It helps to have a detailed list of what you’ve packed for several reasons.

  1. Once you get to the new address, you know where the items must go.
  2. It lets you see if things are missing after everything is unloaded.
  3. You have evidence to submit to an insurer that certain belongings require replacement or have a specific value.

Try to take a picture of everything you’ve packed to ensure enough documentation exists to submit a claim if it becomes necessary.

Packing Items That Can’t Be Moved


Although our team would love to haul everything for you, some items can’t go onto the truck because of existing safety regulations. This list typically includes anything labeled as a hazardous material, including many household cleaners.

Anything perishable shouldn’t be put into packed boxes. Likewise, certain valuables and essential documents should be kept separate and stay in your possession. You can request a complete list of what is permitted and not allowed when talking with Expo Movers.

Not Having the Essentials Ready


Many people and families think they’ll unpack everything when they get to their new home. Unfortunately, they often underestimate how much time and energy is needed to get everything out of one space and clean it. By the time the transition is complete, most folks only want a meal, a shower, and to turn in for the night.

If you don’t pack an essentials bag with everything you need for the first night, you might get stuck trying to dig through a mountain of boxes to find a toothbrush or a blanket.

Some everyday items to toss into an essentials bag include bedding, medication, toiletries, phones, laptops, and essential tools. In addition, anything that you use each day should be included.

Packing Boxes and Containers Incorrectly

Although plastic bags seem like a good idea for packing clothing, linens, or stuffed animals, they’re not easy to load onto a moving truck. The outside surface is slick, and the items don’t stack well. In addition, it doesn’t take much for it to tear, which could cause damage to the things inside.

All belongings should receive the maximum amount of protection. There shouldn’t be a chance for the boxes to break or your belongings to jostle or shift. Invest in support products like tape, bubble wrap, and padding to ensure everything arrives as expected.

The Boxes Are Too Heavy


We see this issue a lot when someone has an extensive home library. They try to fill each box with a maximum number of books without realizing how quickly that container gets heavy. Try to back the most hurtful things in small, sturdy containers for the best results. Bulky items should go in large boxes while keeping the weight levels manageable.

Instead of labeling your boxes last, try to give them a name when you’ve finished packing each one. Then, list the room where it should go and what it contains so that you can follow a manageable unpacking order. Once you take these steps, you’ll find that getting into your new home doesn’t have to be a stressful experience!

Quality Starts Here

Trust Expo Movers for a hassle-free moving experience.

By Published On: July 26, 2022Categories: Moving Tips, Packing