It is not unusual for people to experience homesickness and anxiety after moving. Those feelings develop because you’re in a new home, often in a new neighborhood or city, and you might not know anyone there. As a result, you start missing the old life that you had.

Most anxious moments after moving to a new home involve longing for familiar things. Most people experience those emotions in childhood when attending summer camps, visiting family out of state, or taking an extended vacation.

For some, the feelings are temporary. It can also be debilitating and pervasive for others. It can present various emotions, ranging from fear to sadness to worry. They’re all a normal part of the process that happens when stepping outside of one’s comfort zone.

Tips for Getting Through the Tough Emotions

Four primary factors contribute to the anxiety that many people feel after moving.

  1. A feeling of unfamiliarity caused by the new experiences.
  2. Personal attitudes toward what is happening.
  3. Individual personalities and how someone meets new people or warms up to changing circumstances.
  4. Outside factors, including the reason why a person chose to move.

The start of the coping process involves recognizing anxiety and homesickness. Once that happens, you’ll be ready to implement the following tips.

Work Without a Timeline

no rush

Some people feel the post-moving anxiety and fear before the moving truck arrives to pick up their belongings. Others don’t have the emotions hit until they’ve lived at their new home for a few weeks.

There is no right or wrong way to feel emotions during this transition. Try not to stress about when it happens. When the anxiety arrives, it is essential to acknowledge the feelings and accept them.

Don’t Let Sadness Define You.


Anxiety from moving is a situational emotion. That makes it different from what someone encounters when dealing with a mental health disorder. Homesickness is ultimately a communication tool your mind uses to say you’re experiencing something outside the usual routine.

Instead of clinging to the memories and things that feel lost, try to look for new and exciting options to add to your routine. For example, building new relationships often help people feel like themselves.

Keep Up the Old Habits


Just moving to a new city doesn’t mean that all your favorite things disappear. Sure – you might not get to see the Yankees or Mets play at home, but you can still watch them on TV or attend a game when they’re on a road trip to your new town.

If you were active in NYC’s recreational leagues for your favorite sport, look for a new team where you’re living.

One of the biggest triggers of homesickness is the loss of a favorite homecooked meal. When that happens, reach out to your family to see if they can share a few recipes to recreate in your new kitchen.

Get Out of the Apartment

going out

Isolation only causes homesickness and anxiety to worsen. Although your new apartment or house often feels like a respite against the unfamiliarity out there, it also becomes a trap that stops you from experiencing life.

It’s often necessary to consciously step outside your new home to explore. Try a local restaurant (even if it is only takeout), visit a local attraction, or take a walk around your new neighborhood. Being outside often lets you get out of your head.

Track Your Thoughts in a Journal


Writing down your thoughts is an excellent coping mechanism because it forces the mind to process complicated emotions with anxiety.

When you review what you’ve written after a couple of weeks, it becomes possible to identify specific patterns. Write truthfully about what you miss or how you feel without censoring your thoughts. The goal should be to untangle how you think to start communicating better.

If you find that the emotions are primarily negative, don’t deny the experience. Instead, your writing should serve as a foundation for change.

Don’t Forget to Ask for Help If You Need It!

If you’re in NYC and need help with your homesickness or anxiety, you can reach out to (888) NYC-WELL (692-9355). This free and confidential line is staffed 24/7 with trained mental health professionals to help you find services.

You can also reach out to other mental health outreach resources in NYC for individualized appointments and services.

Moving can be a lot of fun, but it can also take a toll on your emotions. When you plan to manage and cope with them, those feelings won’t have as many chances to take over your life.

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By Published On: December 27, 2021Categories: Moving Tips