When you’re ready to make a big change in your life, moving from Texas to NYC can be the answer you wanted to find. Even if you live in Dallas, Austin, Houston, or San Antonio, life in New York City is a lot different!

The first issue you’ll want to consider is your vehicle. Driving in NYC is a luxury. Unless you plan to live in Connecticut or New Jersey and commute, you probably don’t want to manage the costs of maintaining a vehicle after moving. Even then, you might find the train to be a cheaper option.

Here are some of the other culture shock items you might want to prepare for before completing Texas’s move to NYC.

What To Expect When Moving from Texas to NYC

1. The subway is an entirely different experience.

NYC subway

When you step onto the subway in NYC, you’re expecting the same experience on the train as you would in any other city when moving from Texas. It’s an entirely different environment here. Some people treat it as a moving mobile apartment. Others try to take care of their household chores, including chopping onions. You’ll need to expect the unexpected.

2. There is no such thing as northern hospitality.

times square crowd

A lot of people in New York City put their heads down to get through their day. They’ll work their routine, earn a paycheck, enjoy drinks afterward, and head home. It might be a big city, but you’ll see the same people within your schedule because of this attitude. If you end up smiling at a stranger, the results you get might be unexpected.

3. It is usually faster to walk somewhere.

traffic in New York

Most New Yorkers walk because the traffic is so bad in the city. It’s not unusual for a cab ride to take 30 minutes when you need to go three miles! Although the bus system is convenient for when the subway isn’t an option, it’s usually faster to walk a couple of miles than to ride somewhere.

4. The cost of living is much higher.

money spent

There’s been a lot said about how many people are leaving New York City because of COVID-19. Although this population shift has caused rents to lower a little, you can still expect to pay $2,500 or more if you get a market-rate place. That’s easily double the cost of what you’ll find in many Texas cities.

Many other expenses are also higher, ranging from the utilities to your groceries. Since you’ll likely live in a smaller place, you might have fewer cleaning and maintenance costs to consider.

5. Be prepared for a temperature change.

nyc during snow

When you live in NYC in the summer, it feels a lot like Texas. You’re next to the water, which means humidity levels can get high. Once winter comes along, there’s an entirely different set of circumstances to manage. You’ll be dealing with snow, cold winds, and low temperatures. If you thought it was chilly in Houston when the temps hit the 50s, wait until your first NYC day in the single digits!

If you thought that bad weather would give you a day off, think again. It’s not unusual for schools and businesses to remain open, even with several inches of white stuff on the ground.

6. It can still feel lonely.


There are millions of people living in NYC right now. Although you’ve got lots of opportunities to explore, see museums, and visit landmarks, it doesn’t take long for the big city to feel lonely. You’ll want to connect with others who share similar interests after moving from Texas. Whether that means you join a gym, a walking club, or join the local bodega culture, you’ll need to do something to make some social connections.

7. Get ready for the taxes.


Texas doesn’t charge a state income tax at all. That means your income adjustments will require some tweaking when moving to NYC. The income tax range is from 4% to 8.82%, depending on your income. If you make over $1 million annually, you might encounter that issue.

Any purchases above $110 in NYC are subject to a 4.5% city and 4% state sales tax.

If you buy a home, you’ll also have higher property taxes to manage.

Are You Ready for NYC?

When you move from Texas to NYC, the definition of “normal” will change. For many, this transition is an exciting adventure.

It isn’t always easy to move somewhere new, but it doesn’t have to be discouraging. If you need any help getting into your NYC home, give a professional moving team a call to help get things set up.

That way, you can enjoy the new life you’ve found in the city that never sleeps.

Quality Starts Here

Trust Expo Movers for a hassle-free moving experience.

By Published On: March 17, 2021Categories: Interstate, Long-Distance, Real Estate